Vallone Ventures produces exceptional opportunities in urban revitalization by sourcing financially compelling deals that are backed by sound analysis and proven methods. We believe in the economics of transit-oriented development (TOD), walkable communities, green energy technologies, government-supported initiatives in historic restoration and preservation, investments in Opportunity Zones and extracting the most from complex capital stacks.

Vallone Ventures specializes in the development of multi-family and mixed-use residential projects. Projects may involve adaptive re-use, historic rehabilitation, or ground-up new construction. New units may be leased at market rate, deed restricted affordable rates or a combination of both. Projects range in size from $20M - $60M.
Urban Investment
Our specialty is urban development and our focus is on medium-sized to large scale, new construction or rehabilitation projects within the urban environment. We offer complete investment management and access to capital from an array of investors and government incentives. Our opportunities are supported by detailed analysis of development trends and current market research.
Our Partners
Vallone Ventures collaborates with industry professionals in securing financial partnerships with extensive market knowledge. We look to partner with well respected general contractors and property owners. We work with market analysts, financial consultants and real estate professionals. We enter into joint venture agreements with local, award winning architectural firms and professional consulting engineers.
Investment Opportunities
Vibrant communities produce solid real estate returns. With an emphasis on multi-family and mixed use opportunities in the $20 to $100 million range, our endeavors in walkable urban areas are supported by economies on the rise. Vallone Ventures initiatives include historic preservation and restoration, ground-up development, and value-add opportunities.
Investment Strategies
An integrated approach informed by 30 years of real estate experience, using a proprietary data driven criteria to identify opportunities within specific geographic locations.
Development Expertise
Our powerful partnerships are derived from
on-the-ground experience and established
industry-wide relationships.
Multi-family and mixed use projects, ground up or historic rehabilitations, in urban areas, TOD and Opportunity Zone sites throughout the New York Metro area, New England and the Mid-West.